Yusman Apps Приложения

Kitchen Cleanup Connect Onet 1.0.2
Yusman Apps
Free, fun, and challenging connect-styled(onet) puzzle kitchen games."Kitchen Connect" is the next generation of classic onet styledpuzzle game. In this free onet games, you have to connect twosimilar kitchen related images (including food and cookingredients) to clear them from the board. However, only imageswith up to three lines path can be removed. Beat this puzzlekitchen games by connecting and clearing the whole board before thetime runs out.★ Classic gameplaySimilar gameplay as the classic onet game on PC: just link up twobox with the same image. Easy to learn and play, but could bedifficult to master.★ 24 challenging levelsBeat all of those carefully-designed levels to make you the king ofonet games.★ Nice background music★ Special image with secret power-upYou never know what kind of help you'd gonna get.★ Absolutely freeNo hidden in-app purchase, no download price. It's all free.Kitchen Connect is a fun yet (could be) frustrating puzzle gameto play. Strategically link up the same image, but don't forget tofinish the whole board before the timer ends. Up for the challenge?Download and install now, guys, you won't be disappointed.
Rahasia Suami Teladan 1.0
Yusman Apps
Menjadi suami teladan dan sholeh sesuai denganajaran Islam merupakan dambaan setiap pria muslim di dunia. Islampun sudah mengajarkan bagaimana caranya untuk bisa menjadi suamiyang sholeh, melalui ayat-ayat suci Al Qur'an dan juga hadits.Aplikasi sederhana ini mencoba merangkum sebagian di antaranya,sehingga para pria dapat mempelajari dan mengetahui berbagaikewajiban suami yang perlu dilakukan agar dapat menjadi suami yangteladan.Siap untuk menjadi suami yang baik?★ Tampilan sederhanaAplikasi fokus pada fungsinya, sehingga praktis dan mudahdigunakan★ Tersedia fitur pencarianDapat melakukan pencarian topik kewajiban suami tertentu★ Rahasia of the Day + Rahasia Favorit★ Fitur berbagi kontenDapat membagikan tips ke kawan atau sahabat Anda melalui fitursocial sharing★ Offline, tidak butuh koneksi internetSeluruh data sudah tersedia di dalam aplikasi sehingga tidakmembutuhkan koneksi internet lagi pada saat dijalankan.★ GratisAplikasi didukung oleh iklan sehingga bebas biaya alias gratisMenjadi suami yang baik dan sholeh tidak hanya merupakankewajiban bagi setiap muslim, melainkan juga dapat menjadikebanggaan tersendiri karena mampu menjadi teladan bagi pria-priamuslim yang lain. Jadi, bagi kaum pria yang ingin benar-benarmemahami kewajibannya sebagai pendamping istri dari sudut pandangIslam, yuk download aplikasi "Rahasia suami Teladan" ini.Being an exemplaryhusband and pious in accordance with the teachings of Islam is thedesire of every Muslim man in the world. Islam had already taughthow to be a pious man, through the verses of the holy Qur'an andhadith. This simple application tried to summarize some of them, sothe men can learn and know the husband's obligations that need tobe done in order to become an exemplary husband.Ready to be a good husband?★ simple viewFocus on the application functionality, making it practical andeasy to use★ Available search featuresCan search specific topics husband liabilities★ The secret of the Day + Secret Favorites★ Features shared contentCan distribute tips to a friend or friends via social sharingfeatures★ Offline, do not need an internet connectionAll data already available within the application so it does notrequire an internet connection again at run time.★ FreeApplications supported by advertising, so free of chargeBeing a good husband and pious is not only an obligation forevery Muslim, but also can be proud of being able to be an examplefor Muslim men to another. So, for men who want to reallyunderstand their obligations as a companion to the wife of anIslamic perspective, yuk download the application "Exemplaryhusband Secret" is.
Fatin Jangan Kau Bohong 1.1
Yusman Apps
Ngefans Fatin Shidqia? Suka dengan lagunyayang berjudul Jangan Kau Bohong? Jika jawaban keduanya adalah YA,coba deh buktiin tingkat pengetahuan kamu tentang si manis jawaraajang pencarian bakat dua tahun silam dan juga singlenya itu dalamgame quiz Fatin Jangan Kau Bohong. Buktiin kalo kamu emangFatinistic sejati!★ Tersedia puluhan pertanyaanSaat ini tersedia puluhan pertanyaan dalam database yang akanditampilkan secara acak di setiap permainan. Mulai dari profil dankehidupan Fatin hingga lirik lagu Jangan Kau Bohong.★ Aplikasi ringanGame dapat dijalankan di Android v2.3 (Gingerbread) denganspesifikasi hardware standar.★ Tidak membutuhkan koneksi internet★ GratisYuk, uji tingkat ke-fatinistic-anmu!Ngefans Fatin Shidqia?Like with the song Do not You Lie? If the answer is YES, try dehbuktiin your level of knowledge about the sweet winner of thetalent show two years ago and also the single that the quiz gameFatin Do You Liar. Buktiin if you emang Fatinistic true!★ There are dozens of questionsCurrently available in the database dozens of questions that willappear randomly in each game. Starting from the profile and lifeFatin up song Do not You Lie.★ light ApplicationsGames can be run on Android v2.3 (Gingerbread) with standardhardware specifications.★ Does not require an internet connection★ FreeYuk, test-level fatinistic's your all!
UU Perlindungan Konsumen 1.0
Yusman Apps
"UU Perlindungan Konsumen" adalah aplikasisederhana yang memuat secara lengkap pasal demi pasal (dan jugapenjelasannya) kitab Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 8 Tahun1999 mengenai perlindungan konsumen. Hal ini dikarenakan agarterwujud keseimbangan antara perlindungan kepentingan konsumen danpelaku usaha sehingga tercipta iklim perekonomian yang sehat diIndonesia. Dengan sistem navigasi yang mudah dipahami dan kebutuhansistem yang ringan, aplikasi ini cocok sebagai pegangan bagi siapasaja yang membutuhkan referensi praktis mengenai tata cara,prosedur pelaksanaan, hak, kewajiban, sanksi, dan segala aspekhukum lainnya yang berkaitan dengan perlindungan konsumen."Consumer Protection Act"is a simple application that contains a chapter by chapter (andalso the explanation) Book of the Law of the Republic of IndonesiaNo. 8 of 1999 on consumer protection. This is because in order torealize a balance between the protection of the interests ofconsumers and businesses so as to create a healthy economic climatein Indonesia. With a navigation system that is easy to understandand need a lightweight system, this application is suitable as ahandle for anyone who needs a handy reference regarding theprocedures, implementation procedures, rights, obligations,penalties, and all other legal aspects relating to consumerprotection.
UU Ketenagakerjaan 1.0
Yusman Apps
"UU Ketenagakerjaan" adalah aplikasi ringandan praktis yang memuat secara lengkap kitab undang-undang republikIndonesia no. 13 tahun 2003 mengenai ketenagakerjaan. Segala halyang berkaitan dengan tenaga kerja, termasuk hukum, aturan, sanksi,dan tindak pidana pelanggaran yang berhubungan dengan pekerja /buruh dimuat di dalam kitab ini. Dengan navigasi yang mudah sertakebutuhan sistem yang ringan, aplikasi ini cocok menjadi panduandan sumber referensi mobile bagi siapa saja yang membutuhkaninformasi mengenai tata cara hukum dan perundang-undangan di duniaketenagakerjaan Indonesia."Labor Law" is alightweight and practical application that contains a complete bookof law Indonesian republic no. 13 of 2003 regarding employment. Allmatters relating to employment, including laws, rules, sanctions,and the crime of violation related to workers / laborers containedin this book. With easy navigation as well as the need for alightweight system, this application fits into the mobile guide andreference source for anyone who needs information about theordinances of the law and legislation in the world of employmentIndonesia.
Zombie Zombie Garden
Yusman Apps
Welcome to Zombie Zombie Garden! Get ready toexperience an epic and cute match 3 adventure in this horror-themedpuzzle game. Swipe and match three or more zombie-infested fruitsto break them and solve the task of over one hundred challenginglevels. Delve deeper into the garden and meet various specialboosts and unique power-ups in this sweet brand new match-3 puzzlegame. Play it today and let the journey begin.★ Endless adventure with over 100 challenging levelsUnforgetable experiences on each carefully designed gamelevels.★ Easy to play, hard to masterGetting through the level might be easy, but can you get threestars on every level?★ Cute wonderful graphics and jaw-dropping sprite animation★ Various helpful special boosts and power-ups items★ Creepy horror-themed, perfect for Halloween.Play Zombie Zombie Garden today and enjoy the fantastic new cutematch-3 adventure gameplay experience. Please not that this game iscompletely free to play, but some in-game items, such as additionallives, can be purchased for real money.
Animal Link Up Butterfly 1.0.0
Yusman Apps
Love the classic onet game? Try Animal Link UpButterfly!Animal Link Up is the next generation of onet games, featuringmany species of cute butterfly. Connect two butterflies on your wayto beat all of the challenging levels. Hit the question tile toactivate secret power-ups if you get stuck. And trust me, you won'tpass each level easily. Ready to be the king of onet games?Some key features of Animal Link Up Butterfly include:★ Classic onet game styleYou might have played it on your PC before, now play it again onyour phone / tablet. Find the combination of the classic gameplayand modern new game elements.★ Easy to play, hard to masterSolve all of the 24 challenging levels. Some requires perfectconcentration to beat.★ Secret power-upsYes, a quick hint is available every couple seconds. But there arealso several secret power-ups on the board.★ Absolutely free to play.No hidden charge, no in-app purchase. Just play the game and havesome fun.Animal Link Up Butterfly is a lovely yet challenging game tospend your spare time. The rule might be simple -- just connect twotiles with similar images -- but it does take some strategies toclear the board within the time limit. So, once again, if onetgames IS your crush, be sure to give this Link Up game a try.
Semua Tentangmu 1.1
Yusman Apps
Ngefans Fatin Shidqia? Suka dengan lagunyayangberjudul Semua Tentangmu? Jika jawaban keduanya adalah YA,coba dehbuktiin tingkat pengetahuan kamu tentang si manis jawaraajangpencarian bakat X-Factor 2013 ini dan juga singlenya itudalam gamequiz Fatin Semua Tentangmu. Buktiin kalo kamu emangFatinisticsejati!★ Tersedia puluhan pertanyaanSaat ini tersedia puluhan pertanyaan dalam database yangakanditampilkan secara acak di setiap permainan. Mulai dari profildankehidupan Fatin hingga lirik lagu Semua Tentangmu.★ Aplikasi ringanGame dapat dijalankan di Android v2.3 (Gingerbread)denganspesifikasi hardware standar.★ Tidak membutuhkan koneksi internet★ Iringan lagu instrumental Semua Tentangmu sebagai lagulatar★ GratisYuk, uji tingkat ke-fatinistic-anmu!Ngefans FatinShidqia?Like with the song All Tentangmu? If the answer is YES, trydehbuktiin your level of knowledge about the sweet winner ofthetalent show X-Factor 2013 and also singles it in quiz gameFatinAll Tentangmu. Buktiin if you emang Fatinistic true!★ There are dozens of questionsCurrently available in the database dozens of questions thatwillappear randomly in each game. Starting from the profile andlifeFatin to lyrics All Tentangmu.★ light ApplicationsGames can be run on Android v2.3 (Gingerbread) withstandardhardware specifications.★ Does not require an internet connection★ All Tentangmu instrumental accompaniment song as thebackgroundsong★ FreeYuk, test-level fatinistic's your all!
Frozen Jewels Dash 1.1
Yusman Apps
Swipe and match shining bright jewels in thisbrand new match 3 puzzle game, Frozen Jewels Dash. In the spirit ofsnow and winter, this free deluxe game will challenge your skillalong hundreds of levels. It's fun and may look easy, but will yoube able to master Frozen Jewels Dash is another question that youshould answer. Ready to dash?★ Two play modesChoose between Classic and Arcade game. Solve hundred levels one byone in the Classic mode, or race against the time in Arcademode.★ Colorful special effectIt's shiny, it's bright, and it comes with lovely special FX.Explosion effect and shining jewels are just few of them. Try thegame to experience them yourself.★ Hours of gameplayMore than 200++ levels are available for you to beat. And if youget bored, you can always challenge yourself in the endless Arcademode.★ Beautiful GUINice and cool frozen ice / snow themed graphics.Frozen Jewels Dash might look like another candy match threeclone on the market. But it comes with unique themed, colorful FX,hours of challenge, and beautiful UI. Don't miss the fun, play itnow.
Inspirasi Islami 1.1
Yusman Apps
Inspirasi Islami adalah aplikasi sederhanayang berisi berbagai kisah, petuah, maupun nasehat inspiratifseputar agama Islam, yang dirangkum dari berbagai sumber, termasukAl Qur'an dan Hadits. Membaca, mempelajari, dan menghayati satuinspirasi islami setiap harinya dapat membawa kita semakin dekatkepada Allah dan senantiasa ingat untuk selalu ada di jalan-Nya.★ Tampilan sederhanaAplikasi fokus pada fungsinya, sehingga praktis dan mudahdigunakan★ Tersedia fitur pencarianDapat melakukan pencarian topik kewajiban suami tertentu★ Inspirasi of the Day + Inspirasi Favorit★ Fitur berbagi kontenDapat membagikan tips ke kawan atau sahabat Anda melalui fitursocial sharing★ Offline, tidak butuh koneksi internetSeluruh data sudah tersedia di dalam aplikasi sehingga tidakmembutuhkan koneksi internet lagi pada saat dijalankan.★ GratisAplikasi didukung oleh iklan sehingga bebas biaya alias gratisYuk download aplikasi "Inspirasi Islami" dan mari menjadi kaummuslim maupun muslimah yang baik, sholeh dan sholehah. Amin.Islamic inspiration is asimple application that contains a variety of stories, advice, andinspirational advice about Islam, which is summarized from varioussources, including the Qur'an and Hadith. Read, learn, and live anIslamic inspiration every day can bring us closer to God and alwaysremember to always be in his path.★ simple viewFocus on the application functionality, making it practical andeasy to use★ Available search featuresCan search specific topics husband liabilities★ Inspiration of the Day + Inspiration Favorites★ Features shared contentCan distribute tips to a friend or friends via social sharingfeatures★ Offline, do not need an internet connectionAll data already available within the application so it does notrequire an internet connection again at run time.★ FreeApplications supported by advertising, so free of chargeLet's download the application "Inspiration Islamic" and let'sbe Muslim and a good Muslim, pious and sholehah. Amen.
Onet Babies 1.1
Yusman Apps
Onet Babies is brand new free Onet game wtihcute baby theme. Connect the same baby image and clear the gameboard as quickly as you can in this exciting and challenging onetgame. Hit the hint icon if you stuck, or activate the secret powerup for surprising help. You might beat the other onet classic, butcan you master this one out?Onet Babies features:- Cute theme with nice background music- Easy to play, hard to master- 24 challenging levels- Hint and secret power-up- Free to playHave fun playing onet babies game!
Mortal Fatality X Kombat Guide 1.0
Yusman Apps
Perfectly master every fatality moves and bethe cool winner of every MK games.
Kuis 7 Manusia Harimau NG 1.0
Yusman Apps
Suka nonton sinetron 7 Manusia Harimau yangtayang di salah satu stasiun televisi swasta? Sinetron laga yangmerupakan adaptasi bebas dari novel dengan judul yang sama karanganMotinggo Boesje ini memang cukup seru untuk ditonton. Apalagiditambah dengan kombinasi bintang muda dan aktor / aktris seniortanah air. Pertanyaannya, kamu hapal gak dengan pemain dan karaktermereka masing-masing? Tahu seluk beluk sinetronnya, sampai ke lagulatar dan juga orang-orang yang ada di balik layar? Ayo, buktiinpengetahuanmu tentang 7 Manusia Harimau di game kuis trivia ini.Gratis!Fitur game kuis 7 Manusia Harimau:- Terdapat puluhan pertanyaan di databasePertanyaan akan disajikan secara acak di setiap permainan sehinggagame dapat kamu mainkan berulang kali tanpa bosan- Tingkat kesulitan bervariasiTebak pemain? Ah itu biasa. Di game ini kamu bahkan ditantang untukmengenal nama sutradara hingga produsernya!- Tidak membutuhkan koneksi internetBisa dimainkan kapan saja dan dimana saja.Selamat bermain!Disclaimer:- Permainan ini bukan aplikasi resmi dari sinetron 7 ManusiaHarimau.- Aplikasi ini tidak memuat gambar, musik, atau media apapun yangmerupakan hak cipta dari pihak penyelenggara sinetron yangbersangkutan.- Aplikasi tidak memberikan link download atau memfasilitasipengguna dalam melihat maupun mengunduh foto, musik, film, ataumedia lain yang berkaitan dengan sinetron yang bersangkutan.7 People like watchingsoap operas Tigers were aired on one of the private televisionstation? Soap operas game a free adaptation of the novel of thesame title written by Motinggo Busye is indeed quite exciting towatch. Moreover, coupled with a combination of young stars andactors / actresses senior homeland. The question is, you do notmemorized by the players and their characters? Know the ins andouts of sinetronnya, down to the background song and also thepeople behind the scenes? Come on, buktiin knowledge of 7 HumanTigers in this trivia quiz game. Free!Man quiz game features 7 Tigers:- There are dozens of questions in the databaseQuestions are presented randomly in each game so you can play thegame over and over again without being bored- The level of difficulty variesGuess the player? Ah it was normal. In this game you are challengedto even know the name of the director to the producer!- Does not require an internet connectionCan be played anytime and anywhere.Have a nice play!Disclaimer:- The game is not an official application of the soap opera 7 HumanTigers.- This app does not include pictures, music, or any other mediawhich is copyrighted by the organizers sitcom concerned.- The application does not provide download link or facilitateusers to view or download photos, music, movies, or other mediarelated to the soap opera in question.
Kuis Pedang Naga Puspa 1.0
Yusman Apps
Suka nonton sinetron Pedang Naga Puspa yangtayang di salah satu stasiun televisi swasta? Sinetron lagaadaptasi sejarah yang diambil dari kisah legendaris Tutur Tinularini memang cukup seru untuk ditonton dengan dibintangi olehbintang-bintang muda tanah air ini memang lagi digandrungi pararemaja. Pertanyaannya, kamu hapal gak dengan pemain dan karaktermereka masing-masing? Tahu seluk beluk sinetronnya, sampai ke lagulatar dan juga orang-orang yang ada di balik layar? Ayo, buktiinpengetahuanmu tentang Pedang Naga Puspa di game kuis trivia ini.Gratis!Fitur game kuis Pedang Naga Puspa:- Terdapat puluhan pertanyaan di databasePertanyaan akan disajikan secara acak di setiap permainan sehinggagame dapat kamu mainkan berulang kali tanpa bosan- Tingkat kesulitan bervariasiTebak pemain? Ah itu biasa. Di game ini kamu bahkan ditantang untukmengenal nama sutradara hingga produsernya!- Tidak membutuhkan koneksi internetBisa dimainkan kapan saja dan dimana saja.Selamat bermain!Disclaimer:- Permainan ini bukan aplikasi resmi dari sinetron Pedang NagaPuspa.- Aplikasi ini tidak memuat gambar, musik, atau media apapun yangmerupakan hak cipta dari pihak penyelenggara sinetron yangbersangkutan.- Aplikasi tidak memberikan link download atau memfasilitasipengguna dalam melihat maupun mengunduh foto, musik, film, ataumedia lain yang berkaitan dengan sinetron yang bersangkutan.Like watching a soapopera that aired Puspa Dragon Sword in one of the privatetelevision station? Soap opera history taken action adaptation ofthe story of the legendary oracle of Tinular is indeed quiteexciting to watch starring young stars this homeland was againloved by teenagers. The question is, you do not memorized by theplayers and their characters? Know the ins and outs of sinetronnya,down to the background song and also the people behind the scenes?Come on, buktiin knowledge of Dragon Sword Puspa in this triviaquiz game. Free!Dragon Sword features quiz games Puspa:- There are dozens of questions in the databaseQuestions are presented randomly in each game so you can play thegame over and over again without being bored- The level of difficulty variesGuess the player? Ah it was normal. In this game you are challengedto even know the name of the director to the producer!- Does not require an internet connectionCan be played anytime and anywhere.Have a nice play!Disclaimer:- The game is not an official application of the soap opera PuspaDragon Sword.- This app does not include pictures, music, or any other mediawhich is copyrighted by the organizers sitcom concerned.- The application does not provide download link or facilitateusers to view or download photos, music, movies, or other mediarelated to the soap opera in question.
Onet Cupcake 2015 1.0
Yusman Apps
Onet Cupcake 2015 is brand new free Onetgamewith yummy cupcakes theme.Connect the same cupcake image and clear the game boardasquickly as you can in this exciting and challenging onet game.Hitthe hint icon if you stuck, or activate the secret power upforsurprising help. You might beat the other onet classic games,butcan you master this one out?Onet Cupcake features:- Cute girly theme with nice background music- Easy to play, hard to master- 24 challenging levels- Hint and secret power-up- Free to playHave fun playing onet cupcake game!
Lirik Lagu Anak 1.0
Yusman Apps
Di jaman sekarang, lagu anak semakin langkadansulit ditemui. Akibatnya, generasi muda kita lebih sukamenyanyikanmusik-musik dewasa yang sebenarnya tidak cocok denganperkembanganotak dan pola pikir mereka. Aplikasi ini -- Lirik LaguAnak --,sesuai namanya, mencoba untuk mengumpulkan beraneka liriklaguanak-anak mulai dari jaman dahulu hingga sekarang sehinggabisamenjadi referensi bagi orang tua untuk memilihkan lagu yangsesuaiuntuk perkembangan mereka.Fitur utama aplikasi Lirik Lagu Anak:- Koleksi lengkap.- Tidak membutuhkan koneksi internet.Semua lirik lagu tersimpan di dalam database aplikasi dandapatdiakses tanpa harus online terlebih dahulu.- Tersedia fasilitas pencarianTemukan lirik lagu yang diinginkan dengan fitur pencarianyangtersedia- Simpan lirik favorit dan bagikan kepada kawan Anda- Ringan- GratisCatatan: Aplikasi ini adalah aplikasi resmi darisitusLirikLaguIndonesia.Net.In today's world,rhymesmore rare and difficult to find. As a result, our younggenerationprefers to sing adult music that does not fit in withthedevelopment of the brain and their mindset. This application-Lyrics Children -, as the name implies, trying to collectvariouslyrics children ranging from antiquity to the present sothat itcan serve as a reference for parents to pick songsappropriate fortheir development.The main features of the application lyrics Children:- Complete Collection.- Does not require an internet connection.All the lyrics are stored in the database and the application canbeaccessed without advance online.- There is a search facilityDiscover the lyrics of the song you want with the searchfeatureavailable- Save your favorite lyrics and share it with your friends- Light- FreeNote: This app is the official app of thesiteLirikLaguIndonesia.Net.
Sports Car Racing Games 1.0
Yusman Apps
Race your sports car in this highintensityfast paced racing games. Test your finger reflex to avoidtheobstacle along the road and win the race by beating othersportscars in this Sports Car Racing Games. Make a small mistakeandyou'll end up dead. Also compete with your friends and othergamersaround the world, and be the first in the leaderboardranks.
SuperMath 2 1.0
Yusman Apps
Prof. Enisteni is having a problem. He hastosolve a bunch of mathematics formula this morning,butunfortunately, his glasses is lost. Help him solving theproblemwhile he's looking for his glasses."SuperMath 2" is a simple mathematics game which is easy toplaybut hard to master. Each question gives you one mathformula,either addition, subtraction, or multiplication (depend onyourchoosen difficulty level), and you have to guess whether theresultis correct or not. If not, you also need to guess whetherit'sbigger or smaller than the correct result. It sounds easy, butyouhave time to beat. And the math game won't be like walking inthepark since the time limit will also become quicker wheneveryourlevel increase.So, start concentrating and prove your mathematic skill toProf.Enisteni.=======================* GAME FEATURES *- Three difficulty level (easy, medium, hard)- Google Play Game service support (Leaderboard&Achievement)- Infinite play mode- Clear interface, so you can concentrate on the game- Nice background music
SuperMath (Math Game) 1.0
Yusman Apps
Test your MATH skill with this fun, easy, yetchallenging mathematics game. Practise your brain by solving thesimple math equations (addition or subtraction) along threedifficulty levels. This educational game is a perfect test andexercise tool for both kids and adult. And don't forget to solvethe equation as fast as you can before the time runs out or you'lllose the game.Ready to test your brain and beat SuperMath?★ Simple math equationsAddition and subtraction may looks simple, but can you solve theequation in less than 2 seconds?★ Three difficulty level (Easy, Medium Hard)From simple (range between 1-20) to more complex equations (up to1000), choose the level of skill you want to practise.★ Infinite game playPlay non-stop until you can't take it anymore :)★ Google Play Games supportCompete with your friends and family with support for GPG'sLeaderboard and Achievement★ Clear interfaceFocus your mind on the game itself, thanks to its clearinterface★ FREEAnd best of all, SuperMath is free ad-supported games.Practise everyday to boost your mathematics skill.♥ "Nice way to spend spare time by testing my math skills"♥ "Great for brain exercising"Download now and workout your kids (and your) brain with thisperfect maths games.
Quiz Ibukota Provinsi 1.0
Yusman Apps
Negara Indonesia terbagi atas beberapawilayahatau provinsi yang pemerintahannya berpusat di sebuahibukota.Kira-kira hapal gak ibukota masing-masing provinsitersebut? Nah,untuk memastikannya, mainkan aja game quiz yangjudulnya TesPengetahuan Ibukota Provinsi ini. Game ini bagus bagianak-anakmaupun pelajar yang ingin mengasah kemampuan danpengetahuannyatentang negara Indonesia.* Random levelSetiap pertanyaan dalam game disusun secara acak, cocokbuatdimainkan setiap hari agar hapalan kita makin meningkat.* Clear interfaceTampilan antar muka yang bersih dan tidak dipenuhipernak-pernikyang gak jelas bikin kita fokus ke quiz.* GratisIni yang penting, game ini didukung oleh iklan sehingga gratisbuatdimainkan.Ayo mainkan quiznya dan tunjukkan kalo kamu hapal luarkepalaseluruh ibukota provinsi Indonesia!Indonesian stateisdivided into several regions or provinces whose government isbasedin a capital city. Approximately Hapal not the capital ofeachprovince? Well, to be sure, just play a quiz game whose titleisthe Capital Knowledge Test. This game is good for childrenandstudents who want to hone skills and knowledge of theIndonesianstate.* Random levelEvery question in the game arranged randomly, suitable forplayevery day so that we hapalan increased.* Clear interfaceDisplay interface is clean and not filled with trinkets that donotclearly make us focus on the quiz.* FreeThis is important, this game is supported by advertisementsthatplay for free.Let's play quiznya and show if you memorized by rote theentirecapital of the province of Indonesia!
PIP Camera Photo Effects 1.0
Yusman Apps
PIP Camera Photo Effects is an amazingcamerawith beautiful pic-in-pic photo effects where you can combineyourblurred photo and miscellaneous creative photo frames,includinghand, camera, board, glass, and much more. You can alsoadjustvarious photo aspects, such as brightness, contrast,blur,temperature, saturation, shadow, highlights, focus, etc. Thisfunand easy to use camera app is a great alternative to othersimilarpopular apps, like PIP Camera Effects and Funny PhotoEffects.PIP Camera Photo Effects key features:- Create creative photos with blurred background andvariousframes.- Combines two pictures (from Gallery or Camera) into oneuniqueimage.- Enhanced photo parameter.- Share images with your friends and family via Facebook,WhatsApp,Twitter, Bluetooth, etc.
Solid Color Keyboard Themes 1.0
Yusman Apps
Bored with your mobile phone's appearance?Trythis Solid Color Keyboard Themes, a nice collection ofplaincolored theme to personalize your on-screen keyboard'sappearance.Perfect for those who love simplicity and want to keeptheirphone's interface simple and clean.How to use Solid Color Keyboard Themes:1. Run the app2. Click Enable Keyboard and turn on Solid Color KeyboardThemes.Press Back.3. Click Set Input Method and again, choose Solid ColorKeyboardThemes.4. Click Set Themes and choose your preferred theme from thelist.Press Back.5. Done :)Have fun personalizing your keyboard and enjoy the relaxingplaincolors!
Cute Color Keyboard Themes 1.0
Yusman Apps
Bored with your mobile phone's appearance?Trythis Cute Color Keyboard Themes, a nice collection ofgradientcolored theme to personalize your on-screen keyboard'sappearance.Perfect for those who love soft and relaxing cutecolors.How to use Cute Color Keyboard Themes:1. Run the app2. Click Enable Keyboard and turn on Cute Keyboard Themes.PressBack.3. Click Set Input Method and again, choose Cute KeyboardThemes.Press Back.4. Click Set Themes and choose your preferred theme from thelist.Press Back.5. Done :)Have fun personalizing your keyboard and enjoy the relaxingcutecolors!
Phuket Keyboard Themes 1.0
Yusman Apps
Phuket, one of the small island in Thailand,isa beautiful place. If you haven't been there before, youshouldtravel there at least once in your life. This keyboard themeisdedicated for anyone, including me, who love the beautifulPhuketscenery.Phuket Keyboard Themes features:- Up to 14 different keyboard themes (more will beaddedlater)- Ad-supported apps (free to use)What are you waiting for? Install this app and personalizeyourphone right away with the beautiful landscape. Make yourfriendsjealous! :)
Into Cheats In The Dead 1.0
Yusman Apps
Hard to survive the zombie attack? Can't findaway to run into safety? Check out these cheats which willsurelymake you the sole survivor in the dead end of theworld.
Making Banana Pudding Recipes 1.0.1
Yusman Apps
Learn how to make the best banana puddinginthe world by following this recipe
UU Pornografi 1.0
Yusman Apps
"UU Pornografi" adalah aplikasi ringanyangmemuat lengkap kitab undang-undang republik Indonesia no. 44tahun2008 mengenai pornografi dan pornoaksi diIndonesia.Perundang-undangan ini didasari atas semakinberkembangnyapembuatan, penyebarluasan, dan penggunaan hal-hal yangberhubungandengan pornografi di tengah masyarakat, yang dapatmengancamkehidupan dan tatanan sosial masyarakat Indonesia. Dengansistemnavigasi yang mudah dan tidak membutuhkan koneksi internet,makaaplikasi ini sangat cocok untuk dijadikan pegangan bagi siapasajayang membutuhkan referensi praktis mengenai UU Pornografidansegala aspek hukumnya."Pornography Act" isalightweight application that contains the complete book oflawIndonesian republic no. 44 of 2008 regarding pornographyandpornographic in Indonesia. This legislation is based onthedevelopment of the manufacture, distribution, and use ofthingsthat are related to pornography in the community, whichcanthreaten the life of Indonesian society and social order. Withthenavigation system is easy and does not require aninternetconnection, then this application is very suitable to beused as aguide for anyone who needs a practical reference onPornography andall legal aspects.
Lirik Lagu Nasional 1.0
Yusman Apps
Dengan maraknya perkembangan teknologidanserbuan kebudayaan dari negara lain, mental nasionalisme bisasajaterkikis. Untuk itu tidak ada salahnya untuk terus menjagatingkatnasionalisme kita dengan menggunakan aplikasi Lirik LaguNasionalini. Sesuai namanya, aplikasi ini berisikan kumpulan liriklaguwajib nasional yang dapat menjadi pengingat kita untuktetapmencintai bangsa dan negara kita Indonesia.Fitur utama aplikasi Lirik Lagu Nasional:- Koleksi lengkap.- Tidak membutuhkan koneksi internet.Semua lirik lagu tersimpan di dalam database aplikasi dandapatdiakses tanpa harus online terlebih dahulu.- Tersedia fasilitas pencarianTemukan lirik lagu yang diinginkan dengan fitur pencarianyangtersedia- Simpan lirik favorit dan bagikan kepada kawan Anda- Ringan- GratisCatatan: Aplikasi ini adalah aplikasi resmi darisitusLirikLaguIndonesia.Net.With the riseoftechnology developments and cultural invasion from othercountries,mental nationalism could be eroded. For it does not hurttocontinue to maintain the level of our nationalism by usingtheNational Song Lyrics applications. As the name implies,thisapplication contains a collection of lyrics of the nationalanthemcan be a reminder that we are to love our nation and stateofIndonesia.The main features of the application of the NationalSongLyrics:- Complete Collection.- Does not require an internet connection.All the lyrics are stored in the database and the application canbeaccessed without advance online.- There is a search facilityDiscover the lyrics of the song you want with the searchfeatureavailable- Save your favorite lyrics and share it with your friends- Light- FreeNote: This app is the official app of thesiteLirikLaguIndonesia.Net.
UU Perlindungan Anak 1.0
Yusman Apps
"UU Perlindungan Anak" adalah aplikasiringanyang memuat lengkap kitab undang-undang republik IndonesiaNo. 23tahun 2002 mengenai perlindungan hak anak sebagai bagian darihakasasi manusia. Dalam UU ini, tercantum lengkap segala tatacara,aturan, kewajiban, hak, dan segala sesuatu yang berhubungandenganperwujudan perlindungan dan kesejahteraan anak Indonesia,terutamamelalui pemberian jaminan terhadap pemenuhan hak-hak merekasertaadanya perlakuan tanpa diskriminasi. Dengan sistem navigasiyangmudah dan isi yang komplit (termasuk juga penjelasan pasal),makaaplikasi UU Perlindungan Anak ini cocok untuk menjadi peganganbagisiapa saja yang membutuhkan referensi praktis mengenaihukumperlindungan anak dan segala aspeknya."Child Protection Act"isa lightweight application that contains the complete book ofthelaw of the republic of Indonesia No. 23 of 2002 concerningtheprotection of children's rights as part of human rights. InthisAct, a complete set of all ordinances, rules, obligations,rights,and everything related to the embodiment of the protectionandwelfare of children in Indonesia, particularly throughtheprovision of guarantees for the fulfillment of their rightsandtheir treatment without discrimination. With easy navigationsystemand the contents are complete (including the explanationofarticle), then the application of the Child Protection Act isfitto be a guide for anyone who needs a handy referenceregardingchild protection laws and all its aspects.
Kamus Istilah Kedokteran 1.0
Yusman Apps
Ilmu kedokteran dipenuhi denganberbagaiistilah medis yang tidak mudah dipahami bagi masyarakatawam. Bukukamus istilah kedokteran ini hadir sebagai pegangan bagisiapa sajadalam mempelajari dan memahami aneka istilah di duniakesehatan,khususnya kedokteran itu sendiri. Didesain sederhana,aplikasi inimencoba menghadirkan informasi dunia medis dalamgenggaman Anda.★ Tampilan sederhanaAplikasi fokus pada fungsinya, sehingga praktis danmudahdigunakan★ Tersedia fitur pencarianDapat melakukan pencarian mengenai topik medis tertentu★ Istilah of the Day + Istilah Favorit★ Fitur berbagi kontenDapat membagikan istilah kesehatan menarik ke kawan atausahabatAnda melalui fitur social sharing★ Offline, tidak butuh koneksi internetSeluruh data sudah tersedia di dalam aplikasi sehinggatidakmembutuhkan koneksi internet lagi pada saat dijalankan.★ GratisAplikasi didukung oleh iklan sehingga bebas biaya alias gratisKamus Kedokteran ini cocok digunakan bagi masyarakatpadaumumnya, maupun praktisi ataupun pembelajar yang berkecimpungdidunia kesehatan dan pengobatan masyarakat, termasuk dokter,bidan,mantri, perawat, mahasiswa, dan sebagainya. Yang awam sekalipunjuga tetap dapat mengambil manfaat dari buku medis ini karenakitatidak pernah kapan kita akan membutuhkannya. Jadi, yuk downloaddaninstall aplikasi "Kamus Istilah Kedokteran", dijamin gaknyeseldeh.Medical science isfilledwith a variety of medical terms that are not easy tounderstand forthe general public. Book dictionary of medical termsis present asa handle for anyone to learn and understand thevarious terms inthe world of health, especially medicine itself.Simple design, theapplication is trying to bring the medical worldof information atyour fingertips.★ simple viewFocus on the application functionality, making it practical andeasyto use★ Available search featuresCan do a search on specific medical topics★ Term of the Day + Term Favorites★ Features shared contentMay share health terms attractive to colleagues or friendsviasocial sharing features★ Offline, do not need an internet connectionAll data already available within the application so it doesnotrequire an internet connection again at run time.★ FreeApplications supported by advertising, so free of chargeMedical Dictionary is suitable for the community at large,aswell as practitioners or learners are engaged in the worldofhealth and medical community, including doctors,midwives,paramedics, nurses, students, and so on. Which lay oncealso stillbe able to take advantage of this medical books becausewe neverwhen we will need it. So, let's download and installapplications"Dictionary of Medical Terms", guaranteed not nyeseldeh.
UU Peradilan Pidana Anak 1.0
Yusman Apps
"UU Peradilan Pidana Anak" adalah aplikasiyangmemuat kitab undang-undang republik Indonesia no. 11 tahun2012mengenai sistem peradilan pidana anak secara lengkap, pasaldemipasal dan juga penjelasannya. Indonesia sebagai negara pihakdalamKonvensi Hak-Hak Anak berkewajiban untuk menjaga harkat danmartabatmereka, salah satunya dengan memberikan perlindungankhusus terhadapanak yang berhadapan dengan hukum. Inilah yangmenjadi dasarpembuatan undang-undang peradilan pidana ini. Dengansistem navigasiyang mudah dan praktis, aplikasi ringan ini cocokuntuk menjadipanduan / pegangan mobile bagi siapa saja yangmembutuhkan referensimengenai UU Peradilan Pidana Anak."Child CriminalJusticeAct" is an application that contains the codes of lawIndonesianrepublic no. 11 of 2012 regarding the criminal justicesystem ofthe child, chapter by chapter and also the explanation.Indonesiaas a state party to the Convention on the Rights of theChild areobliged to maintain the dignity of them, one of them bygivingspecial protection to children in conflict with the law. Thisisthe basic legislation is criminal justice. With thenavigationsystem easy and practical, lightweight application issuitable tobe a guide / mobile grip for anyone who needs areference regardingChild Criminal Justice Act.
1001 Tafsir Mimpi 1.1
Yusman Apps
Cari tahu arti mimpimu semalam dengankamus1001 tafsir mimpi ini. Memuat lebih dari ribuan tafsir yangsudahdikelompokkan berdasarkan kategori mimpi yang dialami. Andajugadapat mencari arti dari mimpi tertentu dengan mudah melaluifiturpencarian yang tersedia. Siap untuk bermimpi?★ Tampilan sederhanaAplikasi fokus pada fungsinya, sehingga praktis danmudahdigunakan★ Tersedia fitur pencarianDapat melakukan pencarian topik tertentu★ Bookmark tafsir favorit★ Fitur berbagi kontenDapat membagikan tips ke kawan atau sahabat Anda melaluifitursocial sharing★ Offline, tidak butuh koneksi internetSeluruh data sudah tersedia di dalam aplikasi sehinggatidakmembutuhkan koneksi internet lagi pada saat dijalankan.★ GratisAplikasi didukung oleh iklan sehingga bebas biaya alias gratisMimpi seringkali memang hanya sekedar bunga tidur,namunterkadang dapat menjadi petunjuk dan bahan intropeksibagikehidupan kita sehari-hari. Oleh sebab itu, download segeraapps"1001 Tafsir Mimpi" ini untuk mulai memahami arti bunga tidurAndatadi malam.Find out the meaningofyour dreams last night with a dictionary in 1001 thisdreaminterpretation. Contains more than a thousand interpretationsthathave been grouped by category dreams experienced. You canalsosearch for the meaning of a particular dream easily throughthesearch feature available. Ready to dream?★ simple viewFocus on the application functionality, making it practical andeasyto use★ Available search featuresCan search a specific topic★ Bookmark interpretation favorites★ Features shared contentCan distribute tips to a friend or friends via socialsharingfeatures★ Offline, do not need an internet connectionAll data already available within the application so it doesnotrequire an internet connection again at run time.★ FreeApplications supported by advertising, so free of chargeOften it is just a dream flower bed, but sometimes can beaself-examination instructions and materials for our dailylives.Therefore, immediate download apps "1001 Interpretation ofDreams"is to begin to understand the meaning of flowers you sleeplastnight.
Death Racing 3D 1.0
Yusman Apps
Drive the fastest motor bikes and race onthebusy road on this brand new awesome Death Racing 3D game.Featuresinclude HD graphics, various gorgeous motoraces to unlock,weaponsystem, and many more.
Love Hunter 1.0
Yusman Apps
Love Hunter is a challenging fast pacedcasualgame where you to have to help your character collectingitems andavoiding objects on the screen. Collect as many hearts asyou can,but don't forget to avoid the obstacles or you'll end updead. Manylevels are available for you to beat, each with its ownchallengingdesign.Love Hunter features:- Easy to play yet hard to master- Many game levels- Test your reflex- Free to playLove Hunter is one perfect game to play with your couple orloveone, especially during the Valentine's Day. Enjoy!
Quiz D'Academy Asia 1.0.2
Yusman Apps
Suka nonton ajang kontes D'Academy Asiayangditayangkan salah satu stasiun televisi swasta? Acarayangmerupakan variasi dari D'Academy yang merupakan ajangpencarianbakat menyanyi dangdut ini diikuti oleh peserta dari 4negara Asia,yaitu Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia, dan Singapura. Kalaurajinnonton pastinya tahu seluk beluknya secara lengkap danberaninyelesein tantangan game ini. Siap untuk bermain?Fitur game Quiz D'Academy Asia di antaranya:- Puluhan pertanyaan yang akan terus diupdet setiapminggunya(selama acara berlangsung)- Random level- Tingkat kesulitan bertingkat- Gratis, tidak perlu onlineSelamat bermain!Catatan:Aplikasi game trivia ini adalah buatan fans dan BUKANmerupakanaplikasi resmi dari pihak D'Academy AsiaLike watching thecontestD'Academy Asia that aired one private television station?Theevent, which is a variation of the D'Academy which is a talentshowsinging dangdut was attended by participants from 4Asiancountries, namely Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia, and Singapore.Ifdiligent watch certainly know the intricacies of complete andboldnyelesein challenge this game. Ready to play?Quiz game features D'Academy Asia include:- Dozens of questions that will continue to diupdet everyweek(during the event)- Random level- Level of difficulty terraced- Free, no need to be onlineHave a nice play!Note:This trivia game application is a fan-made and is NOT anofficialapplication of the D'Academy Asia
UU Advokat 1.0
Yusman Apps
"UU Advokat" adalah aplikasi yangmemuatmengenai kitab undang-undang Republik Indonesia no. 18 tahun2003mengenai profesi advokat, lengkap beserta pasaldanpenjelasannya."Advocate Law" isanapplication that contains the book of the law of the RepublicofIndonesia no. 18 of 2003 regarding the profession ofadvocate,complete with chapters and explanation.
UU Perseroan Terbatas 1.0
Yusman Apps
"UU Perseroan Terbatas" adalah aplikasiringanyang memuat kitab undang-undang republik Indonesia (RI) no.40tahun 2007 mengenai perseroan terbatas atau PT, lengkapbesertapenjelasannya. Di dalam perundang-undangan ini tercantumsegalaaspek hukum yang berkaitan dengan perseroan terbatas,termasuksyarat pembentukan, prosedur pelaksanaan, hak dan kewajibanPT,serta sanksi atas pelanggaran yang dilakukan (jika ada).Dengansistem navigasi yang mudah, aplikasi ini cocok untukmenjadipegangan bagi siapa saja yang membutuhkan referensi praktisdanmobile mengenai UU Perseroan Terbatas."Limited LiabilityCompanyAct" is a lightweight application that contains the code oftherepublic of Indonesia (RI) no. 40 of 2007 regardinglimitedliability company or PT, complete with description. Withinthislegislation contained all aspects of the law relating tolimitedliability companies, including the requirements ofestablishing,implementing procedures, rights and obligations of PT,as well assanctions for violations committed (if any). With easynavigationsystem, this application is suitable to be a handbook foranyonewho needs a practical and mobile reference regardingLimitedLiability Company Act.